The hunting community depends heavily on hunting dogs. These expertly trained dogs are an invaluable tool for hunters because they can track down downed animals and retrieve them. To better comprehend the hunting dog community, we will look at some hunting dog statistics in this post.
Key Highlights
- There were about 89.7 million dogs owned in the US. From the start of the survey period in 2000, when over 68 million dogs were owned in the United States, there has been a rise of over 20 million, a 31.9% increase.
- It has been established that hunting with dogs has a significant economic effect on the US. An estimated $22.9 billion was spent on expenses linked to hunting by hunters.
- In 2023, the Pet Food (dog food) segment will generate US$57.63 billion in revenue. The market is anticipated to expand by 8.80% annually (CAGR 2023-2027).
- In terms of global comparison, the United States will create the most income ($57,630.00m in 2023).
Hunting Dogs As Pets
There were about 89.7 million dogs owned in the US, according to a study of pet owners. From the start of the survey period in 2000, when over 68 million dogs were owned in the United States, there has been a rise of over 20 million, a 31.9% increase in dog ownership.
It’s challenging to pinpoint the precise number of hunting dogs in the United States. Nonetheless, according to the American Kennel Club, over 90,000 Labrador Retrievers have registered annually, making them the most popular breed in the nation.
Since Labradors are frequently employed for hunting, this suggests that a sizable number of hunting dogs in the nation live as pets.
Information source Statista
Hunters By Age
Hunting participation rises until age 65, after which it begins to decline. Just 3% of 16 and 17-year-olds reported being hunters. Around 4% of persons are hunters between 18 to 24, 25 to 34, and 35 to 44, respectively. Around 6% of people in the 45–54 and 55–64 age groups hunt.
Hunters spent over $27.1 billion on hunting. A study found that individuals’ average annual hunting expenditure was $1,896, or roughly 5.5% of their overall income.
Information source Hunting Mark
Hunting Dog Life Expectancy
Most hunting dogs share similar life spans on average, with some dogs expected to live 50% longer than smaller breeds.
When Will Your Dog Need to Retire?
There is no hard and set rule about when your dog will retire. However, you will notice that your dog will start to become slower, and the instinct will decline.
Information source Wikipedia
Hunting Dogs Used In Search & Rescue
Your hunting dog has transferable skills with the most popular hunting dogs making the best SAR dogs. The Spaniel’s tenacity and nose make him one of the top breeds used 30% of the time as a SAR dog.
Information source Hound and the Found
Most Popular Hunting Dogs
The most popular gun dogs in the US also make wonderful family pets making the differentiation between pets and working dogs difficult.
The Labrador retriever is 42% more popular as a dog than the ubiquitous English springer spaniel
Information Source AKC
Popular Hunting Dog Breeds
The chart shows increased searches for the Labrador Retriever, peaking at a 33% higher midpoint in the year.
The beagle searches increase by 60%, also heading to the middle of the year.
The Cocker Spaniel maintains a relatively static search level of 15% over the same period.
When is Hunting Season?
Although some states begin in March, the spring hunting season typically lasts from April through May. States also have different fall seasons. While some states begin the hunting season in November and last until February, others start in August and until October.
Information source Google Trends E-Bike Generation
German Shorthair Pointer
The GSP is an enormously popular dog for hunters and families alike. Google searches show the starting point of the 5-year trend was 74% peaking at 35% higher in the month of November 2021 at the peak and decreasing 24% by December 2022
The adaptable, medium-sized German Shorthaired Pointer is a passionate all-around gundog who thrives on intense activity, rewarding training, and lots of affection.
Male German Shorthaired Pointers reach between 23 and 25 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh between 55 and 70 pounds; females tend to be smaller.
GSP owners refer to their aristocratic companions as the “ideal pointer.”.
Information source Google Trends AKC
USA Pet (Dog Food) Market Size
- In 2023, the Pet Food segment will generate US$57.63 billion in revenue. The market is anticipated to expand by 8.80% annually (CAGR 2023-2027).
- In terms of global comparison, the United States will create the most income ($57,630.00m in 2023).
- According to population statistics, US$171.20 in revenue will be produced per person in 2023.
- Volume in the pet food market is anticipated to reach 21,102.9 kg by 2027. Volume growth of 7.7% is anticipated in the pet food market in 2024.
- The average volume per person in the pet food market is anticipated to reach 48.5 kg in 2023.
Information source Statista
Costs of Owning a Dog
The U.S. pet market’s overall sales have risen rapidly for the past few years. In the United States in 2021, pet food was the category with the most significant sales.
Pet food was sold at the cost of around 50 billion dollars in that year. The second-highest revenue-generating segment was veterinary care, with over 34.3 billion USD in sales in 2021.
Information source Statista
In the hunting community, hunting dogs are crucial. Although precise numbers on hunting dogs are difficult to come by, the popularity of breeds like the Labrador Retriever suggests that there are a sizable number of hunting dogs in the United States. Hunting with dogs has a significant economic impact, making it a key component of the hunting business.